Keep in touch with
Get Up and Goals!
Students participated in the project’s citizenship awareness actions
Students used the learning units and checked their progress
Teachers were trained to include SDGs in the school’s curriculum
Geo-history textbooks were downloaded from the website
Teaching and learning units downloaded from the website.
Number of teachers who attended trainings and seminars, filled the evaluation and decided to start using the project’s materials
Number of students involved in the global citizenship actions
Number of teachers reached by the campaign

During these three years of activities, the Get Up and Goals! Project has succeeded in:

  1. creating educational contents on the Agenda 2030 topics and related assessment tools in 12 languages;
  2. training teachers;
  3. accomplishing actions of global citizenship with the support of students;
  4. writing the Geo-history Textbook “A Global History of Humanity”;
  5. drafting a guide to sustainable and global schools;
  6. carrying out five international exchanges between teachers and European stakeholders;
  7. promoting an awareness campaign on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) among teachers, conducted by teachers who have participated in the project and addressed to their colleagues from all over Europe and beyond.

All the results, lessons learned, observations, educational contents, in-depth articles on Global Citizenship Education, climate change, international and gender inequalities and migration can be found on this website that from now on will be an archive of educational contents, resources, and tools on the topic of GCE in 12 languages.

The Get Up and Goals! Project’ partners will continue to support schools, teachers and students to teach and learn Global Education and the challenges of sustainable development. You can directly contact them via the local website of the 12 countries involved.

Activities and commitment of more than 1900 teachers trained during the project, more than 6700 young people involved in active citizenship actions – and in experimenting new educational paths – and of 162.000 people who have downloaded educational contents and the Global Geo-history Textbook will persist.

We hope that this website will carry on being a valuable source in the learning environment for teachers, students, school principals, civil society organizations, educators and all the people interested in dealing with the Agenda 2030 topics. Our contents and resources are available and freely accessible to anyone who wants to get inspired by them, download, implement and adapt them to actively contribute to sustainable development.

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See you soon
and let’s keep in touch!

The Get Up and Goals! Team