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Migration is a characteristic of human existence and of our interdependent and interconnected world. The Modern humans first migrated outside Africa and around the world about 120,000 years ago. We are all their heirs.
The educational content in the “Migration” TLU is aimed at students 11 to 18 years of age. The less
CMO offers students and teachers of secondary schools updated lessons series with the latest figures on migration and refugees. The world now has 272 million migrants (source: IOM), including 80 million refugees (source: UNHCR). Many of them deal with inequality, discrimination and poverty, but we also see many stories of hope and perseverance.<
TLU (Training Learning Unit) despre "Migratii Internationale" - Format nr. 2
Migraţia internaţională, fenomen care implică consecinţe demografice, sociale, economice şi politice a crescut semnificativ incepand cu 1980, iar interesul pentru analiza acestui proces s-a intensificat şi
TLU (Training Learning Unit) despre "Migratii Internationale" - Format nr. 1
Scopul celor două activități de câte 45 de minute este ca elevii să înțeleagă din mai multe perspective problematica refugiaților, să cunoască fundalul politic și geopolitic al acesteia, să se confrunte cu tema prin interme
An foreigner is someone who is staying in the Netherlands and does not have a Dutch passport. Usually the presence of foreigners is seen as problematic. In daily conversation the terms foreigners, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and illegal residents are often mixed up, and this is not correct. It is high time to clarify this complicated situ
Een vreemdeling is iemand die in Nederland verblijft en geen Nederlands paspoort heeft. Vaak wordt de aanwezigheid van vreemdelingen als problematisch gezien. In het dagelijks taalgebruik worden de termen vreemdelingen, migranten, allochtonen, vluchtelingen, asielzoekers en illegalen ten onrechte vaak door elkaar gebruikt. De hoogste tijd om dui
'Migration' means that groups of people are moving from one place to another. Modern man (homo sapiens) spread out over the Earth, starting in Africa, over 120,000 years ago. People still migrate now. Migration still refers to large groups of people, but individual people who move are also called migrants. This series of lessons will show studen
'Migratie' is her verplaatsen van groepen mensen van de ene naar de andere plaats. De moderne mens (Homo sapiens) is meer dan 120.000 jaar geleden vanuit Afrika over de hele aarde verspreid. Migratie vindt ook nu nog steeds plaats. Daarbij gaat het om grote groepen mensen, maar ook om individuen. Iemand die migreert wordt een migrant genoemd. In