These lessons will introduce pupils to the idea of international inequalities as it relates to wealth and poverty in the UK and globally. The main aim is to get them to start to consider their own attitu
The proposed content is aimed at students from 11 to 18 years. The lessons are interdisciplinary and could take place during different school classes. The materials are interactive and presented through games, mental maps, videos, action plans and other activities.
During the classes, students will build an understanding of the character
Неравенството е състояние на неравностойност, примерно по отношение на доходи или богатство. Хора с по-висок доход обикновено имат по-добър достъп до услуги и възможности. Те също така имат
T.L.U - Discrepanțe la nivel internaționale („International inequalities”)
Scopul activitatii este informarea cu privire la faptul că, în lume, există diverse tipuri de inegalități.
În timpul realizării prin diverse metode a proiectului, elevii învață și trăiesc cooperarea, împărțire
Le disuguaglianze internazionali influenzano profondamente le possibilità di accesso a una vita degna. L’essere nato casualmente in un paese asiatico anziché in un paese europeo, ad esempio, provoca enormi differenze nelle prospettive e nelle risorse per controllare la propria vita.
La conoscenza delle cause delle disuguaglianz
Během 45minutové lekce žáci ve skupinách zpracovávají a přemýšlí nad různými možnostmi, jak může jednotlivec přispět ke snížení nerovnosti ve světě.
Mrs. Chiara Loasses teaches Literature, History and Geography, while her colleague Mrs. Francesca Devoto teaches Maths and Science. Both work at the Belli Lower Secondary School of Rome and decided to work together to bring the Teaching
The TLUs cover four thematic area: climate change, international inequalities, gender inequalities and migration in Hungarian language. Soon English version will be avaiable.
For teachers who look into the topis of inequality, we have a tip to use in your classroom: http://inequality.is/. It is an interactive animation, where you can find out in a very attractive way, that inequality is real, personal, expensive, created and fixable. At the very end,