International inequalities and the educational tools of the GET UP AND GOALS! Project

The Get up and goals! project has produced three tools in 12 languages to address international inequality as well as other major global issues in daily teaching: a global geo-history textbook, a set of teaching and learning units and a set of learning assessment and self-assessment tools.

In each of the chapters of which it is composed, the global geo-history textbook explains in a special section the changes in social organization and the occurrence of economic and gender inequalities in different historical periods. The global history of humanity is narrated by giving international inequalities, their historical origins and their local and global consequences, a central role as one of the main themes through which to interconnect and understand the entire temporal and spatial span of human events.

The Teaching and Learning Units (TLUs) on international inequalities have been built on two principles:

  1. From a content point of view, they make complexity understandable, breaking it down into evidences, causes, effects, each of which is organised into one or more study phases. Each TLU is built according to a modular architecture, so the teacher can decide to use only some of the phases in which it is divided, without losing the overall approach 
  2. From a didactic point of view, each TLU proposes a progressive passage from the students' naive knowledge to an expert one. The passage takes place through interactive learning: in each phase, the teacher proposes scientific contents through methods of research, in-depth study, and the students' centrality. A final phase (called "meta-cognition") concludes the Teaching and Learning Units allowing a strengthening of the experience and an awareness of the meaning of the educational path.

The tools for assessment and self-assessment. The Learning Units and the assessment and self-assessment tools (SATs) have both been built on the basis of common content and expected learning outcomes. In this way, the SATs can verify the students' results with regard to both the knowledge on the specific topic and the global citizenship skills learned. This is done by comparing scores expressed by students and teachers before and after the implementation of the TLUs and/or the study of the textbook.

Last modified on Tuesday, 02 April 2019 16:14